Yes, you must keep writing! This post seared into my brain from start to finish. It is pure truth from start to finish.

I'm dumbfounded, appalled and amazed at the similarities between the UK and US.

Both governments are the exact copies of one another. It cannot possibly be a coincidence. The justice system here in the US has broken down in the same manner as the British. From the highest level to the lowest. It is a method of tyranny towards the lower classes. Enslavement,slow death or quick death by police. Take your pick.

Bless you for this wonderful piece of work and keeping up the battle.

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The UK is the US with the crown and NHS.

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The NHS is being parcelled off and hollowed out. I have urged my children and anyone over 20 and working to buy insurance. We were warned against BREXIT and voting Tory but didn’t listen. Now, we get what we get.

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Wonderfully backed up arguments, this reads as righteous truth. Only evil people would try to argue against it.

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I wrote about one element of the violence yesterday at https://kdgreenparty.substack.com/p/endless-war

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Spot on. Thank you.

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The political, economic and social systems are no longer functioning with any sense of impartiality, fairness or justice. This has been the case for at least one generation, about 20 years. You have seen this first-hand.

Personally, I would not expect any good from such a corrupt and dysfunctional system. It might happen, but not because the system is good. It is not.

There is good news, though. Watch and observe Nature. She is not pleased with Human Affairs, with its corrupt leaders, with its destructive and domineering ways, with its greed, and with its terror and tyranny over human and non-human animals.

Take heart. Nature will get the last word.

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Apr 18Edited

Yes, you are right. Climate change seems to be Mother Nature getting her own back. The floods in Dubai were shocking and it seems we are on course for another pandemic.

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Truth has spoken, Thank You.

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Thank you so much Aya for your writing and your bravery. We must all do what we can to stand up and change the system. 🇵🇸🍉

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Apr 17
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Apr 18Edited

Thank you for your kind words.

US and UK are pretty much the same thing; UK just passed on the mantle. The English-speaking world is all borne from UK loins so to speak, and their interests align. The EU, likewise. Not a single one of them have not engaged in genocidal acts and what would be considered today - war crimes. They have all profitted of stolen goods and the murder of their owners.

I see them as all identical - like Banks. The Banking system is really one big global system. Same with Western Empire.

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Apr 15
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Madeline Albright was not only a Zionist, she was the child of a Jewish couple with four Jewish grandparents (three of whom died in German camps during WWII). Her parents converted to Catholicism in the opening days of the European entry into WWII, although they had never been particularly observant Jews before. If one looks at the well documented British refusal to accept ship loads of Jewish refugees from Europe before they declared war on Germany in 1939 (the time period her parents escaped Czechoslovakia to Britain), one may theorize WHY they "converted".

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Apr 15
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Apr 18Edited

I agree with you. In the beginning I wanted to stay in the EU purely for the freedom of movement and work. But seeing what they are doing and the stance they have taken on Gaza and Ukraine, I have nothing but contempt for them. I am glad we left, something I never thought I would say! Unfortunately our country is no better.

I do predict however, that the Tories will eventually force us back into the EU. They profitted shorting the entire UK; nor they will attempt to profit again doing the reverse. It's the way disaster capitalists work.

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