The Veil is Off - We are Trapped in TYRANNY
If we do not rise up, the boot will stay firmly down on our necks
I have been fighting a battle of Islamophobia from the English courts for years now. I won’t go into the details, save to say that I knew I’d never win. Family and friends kept telling me to fight and I did for them, knowing that it was a no-go. The State is fascist and declared itself to be by stating anti-fascism was ‘extremism’. The British State believes it is extreme to be opposed to genocide and by opposing anti-fascism, have openly declared themselves a fascist regime. Courts are an extension of the State and though they are meant to be a separate entity with a separation of powers, how can they be when the government chooses judges; the Lord Chancellor is an MP of the ruling party and the Attorney-General decides when law applies?
In fact, so self-preservationist are these state actors in ‘just following orders’ over and above their impartiality and the ‘separation of powers’ that they do not even need to be told what to do - they instinctively know what is expected by their ruling masters.
Muslims are the enemies of the UK State. Not because they pose a threat, but because the majority of their homelands are full of the most profitable natural resources. Western Empire does not do trade with states outside its hegemony; instead, it thieves and steals from them, which means killing the people on the land and taking what is beneath their feet. Genocide is its modus operandi. There is no Muslim land it has been to without leaving hundreds of thousands of corpses whilst skipping away with their oil. What they have done in other countries is no different to what they are doing in Palestine; it’s just that now we see it. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan – Western imperialists shredded the bodies of their children too, they created orphans too, they buried them under rubble too. Of course, it is not just the resource-rich Muslim lands, any non-white country blessed with riches is targeted. The Democratic Republic of Congo is the richest country on the planet, and so was earmarked for destruction via the Western imperialistic coup of their democratically elected leader from day 1.
Muslims are told they are on ‘hate’ marches when they march for the end of genocide. Muslims are criminalised when they say they want Palestinians to be free from ‘the river to the sea,’ when the only genocidal use of the phrase was by Benjamin Netanyahu in his continued attempts to ethnically cleanse and eliminate all Palestinian life. The British public are told that the Muslim London Mayor is under the control of ‘Islamists’, that there are ‘no-go’ Muslim areas in England, that Muslims want to ‘Islamify’ Britain. Then they state that these statements are not Islamophobic nor racist and ergo are fully acceptable in political discourse indeed, in every discourse. That’s why all state institutions, from the police, to the courts, to schools - where children are also punished for simply wearing a Palestine badge - are all institutionally Islamophobic and racist. This is an objective fact.
I knew when the mental acrobatics of the English courts in both the Shamima Begum case and the Julian Assange case were brought to the fore that the British court system had been fully compromised. I tell a lie, it was when the English courts said that Boris Johnson - a lawbreaker and a criminal - was allowed to prorogue (suspend) Parliament - and thus prevent the functioning of democracy regarding the Brexit deal with the EU - in the most corrupt and egregious way. The Queen - the unelected Head of State - gave the nod and said it was fine. It was a Scottish court that had to intervene to say the suspension was unlawful. It is this which finally convinced the UK High Court to recall Parliament. The Queen was let off the hook, obvs, because the state (aka courts) claimed she was ‘misled’ by that schmoozer Boris, as if this woman who has seen out 15 Prime Ministers and been groomed to be Head of State from birth, is not politically savvy and did not know exactly what she was doing.
Rather than take common sense, justice and morality as the fundamental of their judgements, British judges increasingly toe the line. Why? Literally, because they do not want to be criticised by the current fascist, Zionist government for basing a judgment on facts, human rights and the true spirit and purpose of the law. Can you imagine the ego required to be a judge? An ego so big that the slightest criticism renders the purpose of their jobs null and void? There is nothing judges hate more than to have their judgments appealed. They do anything to prevent it. Higher judges thus work to protect them from appeal - it is mental acrobatics in full flow and unless there is a huge glaring error that they cannot ignore, they will protect their own.
Personally, if I were a judge I would want everyone to be given permission to appeal. I’d give it myself. I would WANT a second opinion on every decision I make. I’m literally making rulings on people’s lives, of course I don’t want to mess up; of course I need a fresh set of eyes to make sure, beyond any reasonable doubt, that I have made the right decision. The fact that British judges do not think this way shows you they are completely unfit to be judges.
A slight tangent though related, is one the stories from Islamic historical tradition relating to events from after the Prophet Mohammed’s death. The new Islamic state ran over many regions and governors were needed in each. The story goes that the ones chosen for governorship ran from it. They literally hid so as not to be found. Found they were however, but they still did not want to do the job. Not because they were weak or lacked courage; they had fought in wars and defended their people with the utmost bravery, but because of the enormity of governing human beings, being in charge of their lives. Leadership of people requires balancing of priorities, budgets, interests, and these people were terrified of potentially and inadvertently causing an injustice to a single human from one of these balancing acts they would have to perform. The wages for governors was modest so as not to attract the wrong people; and so the nascent state tried to encourage these reluctant individuals by offering a slight wage increase. However, they all refused to accept any raise; money was not the motivator and no money could stave off their worries.
Fast forward over a millennia and ‘democracy’ is all about people desperate to rule over you and telling you how great they all are for the job. Not a single fear about doing wrong to others; far too egotistical for that. Money? Yes, they deserve more than the people voting for them of course (and always subject to raise) and with an expense account on the taxpayer’s tab for their personal expenditures. An example includes MPs being allowed to claim ‘rent’ when having to stay in London. This would make sense if an MP needed to attend the House of Commons when their house is outside of London. However, MPs who live in London are claiming. This means they are able to rent out their actual London home for profit, while they freeload of the taxpayer in rental digs. Tik Tok may be creating a nation of narcissists but in the upper ranks of the British hierarchal system, self-entitled narcissism was already well-established and immutable.
The English courts during Brexit were on mental gymnastic overdrive. To recap: the UK population was forced into a non-binding referendum about whether they wanted to remain in the EU or not; a vote no-one but the Conservative shrills in the ruling government wanted. Exiting the EU - Brexit - narrowly won, by less than 4%. The UK then went headlong into making this Brexit a reality though no-one actually understood the consequences of what they were voting for and were lied to profusely. As such, the majority of the British public now overwhelmingly want to re-join the EU, but Democracy™ means once you have been fooled successfully, you cannot have a rerun. That is what Western democracy is: “We lie to you, we successfully fool you, but tough sh*t, YOU ARE NOW STUCK WITH US.”
Labour is equally stuck with their genocidal leader, Sir Keir Starmer a man who thinks its fine to starve, siege and cut off water to Muslim kids. He too ran his Labour Party leadership campaign on the coattails of Jeremy Corbyn claiming, “Corbyn was right!” - (videos of which have mysteriously disappeared from the internet) - and making a number of pledges he promised to keep. Once he won, he promised to dump all of his pledges, and suspended Jeremy Corbyn for daring to speak out against Zionism. Of course, Sir Keir Starmer KC, human rights lawyer and former head of the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP), equated his beloved ideology, Zionism with anti-Semitism and threw that smear at Corbyn as justification for his despicable behaviour.
The fact this man is a KC, a knight and a Human Rights lawyer tells you everything you need to know about Britain and their attitudes towards human rights and justice. It is all about twisting words to mean what they never intended to mean - to wield and abuse power in this way - to silence and oppress those whose basic rights have been suppressed, and to create a web of disingenuous drivel so tortuous that it is near impossible to ever get justice. It is not for no reason that what are the simplest judgments in terms of basic humanity and decency, run into hundreds of pages - muddy the waters with complicated wordplay and they ensure the light of truth will never be seen through the darkness of that forest of evil.
These judges know that the pen is mightier than the sword. They know that they can hide atrocities under legalese and allow them to continue. The Chilcott report on the illegality of the Iraq war, the war crimes of the PM Tony Blair and his Machiavelli sidekick, Alistair Campbell, did not run into 2.6million words for nothing. It was that long precisely so no-one would read it. So Blair could go on his merry way, become a Middle East envoy, and continue his malevolent meddling in the region. One cannot forget Israel awarding him a $1 million award for all his tireless work, only a few months after yet another Israeli ‘war’ against Gaza - Operation Cast Lead - and the day before more Israeli airstrikes in Gaza left four more dead.
Of course, Tony Blair, War Criminal extraordinaire, faced no justice for his war crimes all over the Middle East, because the UK courts again blocked justice being served for brown people, and definitely not for those Muslims. This despite these same judges conceding that:
“We see the force of Mr Mansfield’s contention that if there is a crime of aggression under international law, there should be a means of prosecuting it as otherwise the rule of law is undermined.”
Law hasn’t applied to our ‘democratic’ leaders for decades. They can commit the most heinous of crimes, be responsible of the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions, but the state judicial machinery will refuse to apply the law to them.
That’s the thing with ‘law’. 'International law,’ ‘domestic law,’ in the hands of charlatans it’s useless. I do not care what international law says about Israel or Palestine. I can see with my own eyes that people are being murdered; I do not need to analyse a word on a piece of paper in order to determine what my eyes see. I do not need that word to be twisted and turned to try and deny what all our eyes have witnessed – the bodies of dead children; premature babies rotting in incubators, maggots crawling out of them; starving people being shot on their way to get flour. I do not care what ‘international law’ written by the very people actively aiding and abetting its defiance, says. I care it is happening and that it needs to stop at all costs.
Law does not have to be moral. It does not even have to be right. It can be evil and oppressive and it is still ‘the law’. Apartheid laws were ‘the law’. A black man being worth three fifths of a white man was ‘the law’. The Nuremburg laws were ‘the law’. Human beings have long believed law was sacrosanct, relying on religious texts and God’s law. However, with the erasure of God from the hearts of men, human beings have now been conditioned to believe that man-made laws are the hallowed, unimpeachable, unchallengeable ‘law’. They follow them blindly, never looking to whether they are moral or right, or even if they are of benefit to them. They are coerced to, under state powers who threaten force or violence should they not accede to the exact same laws that these same powers refuse to follow themselves. So brainwashed are we to the notion of ‘the law’ that these thoughts rarely enter our minds; their fallibility, their purpose, their destructiveness – for many laws are destructive and against the interests of state populations at large.
The most glaring of these destructive laws are those regarding limited companies and corporations; which allow companies to be given full human rights yet without them being held to full account for the wrongs and evils they inflict. The recent Post Office scandal, where 900 innocent Britons were prosecuted, 230 were imprisoned due to faulty computer software, Horizon, and others were driven into poverty is just one example of this. Not a single person has gone to prison for causing the scandal despite Fujitsu, the developer and owner of the software, knowing very well and for decades that there were bugs in the system and that these injustices were occurring. Fully protected are they are from being held to account by hiding behind corporate structures. In fact, Fujitsu still holds the Post Office contract with Horizon, as well as many other government contracts. But hey-ho, that’s ‘the law’! Let’s not think of it too much and just keep following it like good little sheep.
What we are witnessing in the ICJ and discussions about ‘international law’ is a performative charade to pretend that there is a semblance of morality, justice and equity in the world by deciding that ‘the law’ does indeed mean that children should not be starved to death and innocents not murdered en masse, as a distraction to actually doing anything practical to stop any of these things.
Law, like history is written by the victors. And the leading powers in the world – the Western Empire and their ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’ in the Middle East, Israel – have decided that ‘the law’ does not apply to them.
It is extraordinary that though all these charlatan, mendacious, evil hypocrites have declared that the social contract is indeed utterly dead by their refusal to follow the laws that should be applied equally to us all, we still plod on! We patiently wait till when they decide they want to hold an election, we let them bend and change ‘the law’ to make it harder for a lot of us to vote – such as inconsistent rules on Voter ID: an old person can use their Oyster card as ID, but a young person cannot. They instead need to purchase a passport or a driving license, both of which may be prohibitively expensive thus disenfranchising them – which is the plan. This is ‘legalised’ voter suppression, and yet we still inexplicably wait for election day thinking we can ‘vote them out’.
And this is all the definition of tyranny: abuse of authority by refusing to follow laws, and wielding arbitrary and unrestrained exercises of power, including using the law to subvert the democratic process. We are, as a fact, living under tyranny. And if we do not do something about it; we will remain tyrannised and those tyrannising will simply become more emboldened in what they can subject us to. Looking to the very leaders who are tyrannising us, and the very system created to cultivate and advance tyranny unabated, is not how tyranny will be defeated. As Audre Lorde prophetically put it:
“The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.”
It should be blindingly obvious to us all by now that world ‘leaders’ do not have the interests of the 8 billion on earth as their interests. Gaza continues to be decimated while these leaders ‘ha’ and ‘hum’. We must rise from the grassroots, and we are doing so. Our boycotts, our protests, our voices, our collective organisation – it has changed official narrative and it has opened eyes. Slow the wheels of justice turn, but turn they eventually do. We cannot be complacent; we must continue to rise against tyranny, because there is no other choice.
I have been scared as a Muslim in Britain for years. When Brexit happened, I panicked, knowing it meant fascism would once again take root. I begged my then-husband to get us out of the country, or at least prepare a back-up plan for us should we find ourselves in a situation not dissimilar to early-Nazism, circa 1933.
Every fear I had came true. I have new fears now. I am no longer scared. I am terrified.
I am so terrified that I unpublished some of my articles, lest I be seen as an ‘enemy’ of the state for being unabatingly anti-Zionist and calling out the British establishment for the corrupt cesspit it is. I was scared any judge I was in front of would Google me and take umbrage at the fact I no longer consider their positions hallowed, but that they are fully compromised as state actors in an openly declared fascist state; that I know that the fish rots from the head and the Houses of Parliament are stinking, with the Royal Courts of ‘Justice’ it’s body and gills.
I have republished my articles. However scared I may be, it is not worth the silencing of my voice.
I remain terrified. But I must fight on. And so must you.
Because if we do not, the boot of tyranny will remain firmly on our necks.
We must keep writing, and writing and writing, and sharing the truth until our fingers are raw.
We must keep writing until people see the light through the fog of tyranny that suffocates us; until they know what freedom is, and realise that we are among the most chained in history.
Free Palestine - the first front in the war against imperialistic tyranny.
Yes, you must keep writing! This post seared into my brain from start to finish. It is pure truth from start to finish.
I'm dumbfounded, appalled and amazed at the similarities between the UK and US.
Both governments are the exact copies of one another. It cannot possibly be a coincidence. The justice system here in the US has broken down in the same manner as the British. From the highest level to the lowest. It is a method of tyranny towards the lower classes. Enslavement,slow death or quick death by police. Take your pick.
Bless you for this wonderful piece of work and keeping up the battle.
Wonderfully backed up arguments, this reads as righteous truth. Only evil people would try to argue against it.