Divide and Rule: Genocide in Gaza is no different from the Holocaust - but the Western Empire needs you to believe it is
There is no difference between this genocide and the ones which have gone before
Western Imperialism is the most insidious and pervasive ideology in the world. This is due to its vast propaganda machinery, which is so tightly controlled that even in searching for the photo above and writing ‘genocide’ in the search box, not a single photo of Palestine came up. There were lots of pictures of Ukrainian flags (where there is no genocide occurring), but not of Palestinian flags (where genocide is very much occurring). Of course, the real difference between the two is that the Russian fight against Ukraine is not supported by the West, whilst the genocide of the Palestinians is fully supported, funded by and accelerated by them.
The vast propaganda apparatus of the West is so far-reaching that any challenge to its hegemony is met with repression. Tik Tok users are beating the algorithm to show the truth of the endless war crimes of the Israeli State and so now Tik Tok must be banned.
(Incidentally, I am an avid reader of indi.ca who writes so clearly about what he calls ‘white Empire,’ because it is. The Western world is not all in the West: they all came from the West i.e. white Europe, and still identify with it because they are white. That’s all the ‘Western’ world means.)
I always thought it was a nonsense saying, but now in adulthood, I realise that ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ is indeed entirely true. Where populations in other states are oppressed and are forced into their subjugation by actual guns to their heads, Western Empire achieves this through its highly-propagandised media without needing to fire a shot. It is so amazingly effective that it makes its populations subjugate themselves without the need for the State to use force.
For example, rather than concentrate on the family business dealings of their current and unelected Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, UK mainstream media aka propaganda, steers its population well away. Rishi Sunak’s wife’s family business, Infosys signed a 5-year memorandum of understanding with BP - worth $1,500,000,000 - just a few months before 7 October. This same BP was then awarded a license to drill for Gazan gas by Israel shortly after it began its genocide. In short, Rishi Sunak’s wife is looking to profit handsomely from the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, a genocide fully supported by her husband. Not only that but PM Sunak’s wife - with a net worth of over £half a billion - does not pay tax in the UK. Mrs Sunak claims she is a ‘non-dom’ which means she is a UK resident whose permanent home for tax purposes is outside the UK. This, despite being married to the UK Prime Minister and living for free in 10 Downing Street.
To ensure she can benefit from ‘non-dom’ status aka ‘too rich to pay tax’, Mrs Sunak simply has to pay the UK State £30,000 per year to join the club, which has already been populated by other UK MPs, who also do not consider it worthy of them to pay tax in the UK whilst simultaneously governing the country and expecting everyone else to empty their pockets to the treasury. It is of course a total coincidence that Infosys also received a 50% boost in public sector invoices since her husband became PM, from contracts granted to her company by the UK government. Like many government MPs at the time, Mrs Sunak - who simply refuses to pay a penny in UK tax - was nevertheless happy to take UK taxpayers’ hard-earned cash during Covid for her own businesses, and never pay it back. In fact, the ruling Conservative Government gave firms linked to their party billions of pounds in Covid loans and contracts, none of which were paid back as Rishi simply wrote them off.
Despite this cesspit of unabashed corruption and theft from the British population, Western propaganda has the country hating on non-white refugees fleeing persecution, famine and war. Not white people obvs, just the brown. White refugees are allowed to work but brown people are Schrodinger's immigrant simultaneously “stealing our jobs” and “lazing around on benefits”. The contradiction does not matter to the populace; the pure relentlessness of the message being repeated everywhere they look ensures the population believes it unquestionably. Western propaganda repeats over and over that poor brown people are stealing the money and jobs of Western populations, and it is swallowed whole without the same populations casting even a glance at the £billions upon £billions stolen by their own leaders themselves, much of which they do not even bother to hide. That is the malevolent, enduring power of Western propaganda.
One of the most effective tools in the arsenal of Western propaganda is the truism that if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes true. This conditions populations to believe in things which are clearly contradictory.
They also use it in their constant claims that Israel has a ‘right to exist’. As George Galloway eloquently put it, no nation has a right to exist. Ethnically cleansing lands with brutal violence and murder, then setting yourself there with a new flag does not give an absolute right never to be challenged. Western Empire however does exactly that; destroys peoples, rapes and murders them, loots and steals their lands, scribbles lines on a map and claims absolute sovereignty and the ‘right to exist,’ and the sheeple populations bleat it back. Of course, the contradiction is the axiom within, that those ethnically cleansed, murdered and stolen from never had the ‘right to exist’.
Another formidable tactic is divide and rule. During the genocide of Gaza, the Western Empire has been in overdrive, claiming this genocide can no way be compared to the Holocaust™ and to do so would be Anti-Semitic.
It is truly amazing how Western Empire has divided the victims of their perpetrated genocides into 'which genocide was worst' and 'which is incomparable'. The sheer manipulation of Western propaganda truly knows no bounds. Let me be clear, all genocide is the same: the ideology, the methodology, the terror and the horror. Numbers of dead do not differentiate them nor make one more worthy of remembrance than another. The number of dead is simply an indicator of how effectively the genocidal aggressors carried out their depravity; it does not speak to the depravity itself which is identical. Genocide is genocide is the Holocaust is genocide.
All those victimised by the genocides of the Western Empire should be united as victims of their holocausts and not divided by them. There is nothing that differentiates them at their root; one is not worse than the other. Murder, ethnic cleansing, starvation due to race - it's all the same. While 6 million Jews were being slaughtered and starved by anti-Semitic Europe, Winston Churchill was starving and thus wiping out millions of Indians in Bengal. Just like in both the Holocaust and the Gazan genocide today, this was another cruel man-made famine. In fact, British rule killed 100 million Indians in just 40 years.
The Jews of Europe, the Muslims, the Native Americans, the Aboriginal Australians - are all victims of an identical vicious and racist genocidal mindset. Unity is better and stronger than division; it has the power to challenge those oppressing and killing. And that is why divide and rule is imperialism's favourite tool. Get the people you are victimising to hate on each other and kill each other; let them do your work for you. They’ve done it everywhere - Ireland, India, Rwanda, Cyprus, Israel.
During World War II, Western states turned away Jewish refugees and sent them to their deaths but actively courted Nazi scientists. As Biden admitted, Israel is simply the US’s 'unsinkable aircraft carrier' in the Middle East, and if there wasn't an Israel, Biden would have to invent one to protect US interests in the region, i.e. theft of Arab oil and gas.
The creation of Israel via the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians profited Western Empire in two ways. It allowed Anti-Semitic Europe to deal with its “Jewish problem” by simply exporting them all out of Europe, whilst simultaneously taking full control over oil supplies in the region by preventing the Arab states from uniting by placing a fully-loaded nuclear state in their centre. Western Empire (with the US at its helm) literally uses post-WWII Israeli Jews as human shields to kill and control the Arab states around them, while they loot the goods. Western Empire has never treated Jews well and I don't know why anyone can think Israel is in control when it is very clearly the US who still calls all the shots. Biden doesn't care that Nethanyahu is killing - he cares that Nethanyahu isn't doing it in a way which causes the least disruption to him. Josef Biden is getting fed up of being heckled when he’s trying to enjoy an ice-cream.
Today in Israel the Western Empire’s divide and rule is continuing with phenomenal success. Semites are killing Semites. Who is benefiting? All the ones who have been awarded gas licenses in the last few weeks. American and British companies. BP and Rishi Sunak’s wife.
A holocaust is happening in Gaza. It is no different to the Holocaust. They are not different from any other genocide. Pitting victims of colonialist genocide against one another in order to minimise the genocide of the other is simply a continuation of the divide-and-rule tactic that the Western Empire is so adept at using. It stifles debate, it creates distractions and tangents, and it heightens tensions between people who are actually on the same side in decrying atrocities and the massacres of others. And that is exactly what Western governments want: smoke screens and meaningless culture wars over whose ancestors suffered more at colonial hands while they continue to make current generations suffer the same horror. Do not buy into it, do not fall for it.
The Gazan genocide and the Holocaust are the same. The Western Empire has yet again gone into genocidal mode to loot and steal in attempt to satiate their never-ending greed; their never-ending sickness.
Powerfully, powerfully articulated. So many strands floating around in my head, knitted together so well. I'm not sure how to boost and share this, but I will l.
Great job on this so sad yet powerful reality you hand over to us. You are on point and i love your many references and yes no question about it this all originate and continue to go back to the root cause: “Western Imperialism”. The hunger and desperate search for additional resources of energy had Europe on its toes and Gaza now is the outlet and solution no matter what the cost is: even if it’s a genocide…
The “Jewish Problem” is real and alive in the western world and continues to be to our present day.
I love your reference to the: the victims being pitted against each other. The once upon a time victim is now committing brutality and being used to get rid of more victims … in this case Israelis killing Palestinians. Brilliantly written.
Thank you for a good read.