American television shows always whitwash the American just-us system by portraying the police and alphabet agencies as just good folks doing a difficult job that needs to make a difficult decision by "good people" even while it's gunning down its citizens it's making subtle excuses for it that it's just all a part of keeping the peace and "feedumb" I mean "freedom" mythology alive .

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Such an apt comment! It's pretty much always like this on TV.

Btw, Eastenders is a really crappy soap but it's a staple!

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I'll have to look it up. I think i have seen bits and bobs of Eastenders I really like british shows.Ill go on binges of shows like father TED when i just want to immerse myself in comedy to relive the realism of every day bat shit crazy America....At least the brits are still somewhat clever with story instead of car chases and shoot them up everybody like John Wick nonsense or stupid rehashed comic book heros idiocy .. (i bite the hollywood hands that feed me) At least i get to do some nature shows stuff and interesting series tech work..

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It is true. Rain dogs on the BBC is actually v v v good. The feel of the depravity and despair of modern day london is so spot on. You can imagine women, mothers living in that type of cycle. Honesty, check it out - it's a kinda drama comedy thing.

I haven't been able to watch a Hollywood movie in a cinema for years. I walked out last time because I was so bored. Some Marvel film. How do they make money, they are so boring!

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I'll look that one up too...

Yeah it's why Hollywood is looswing money now..

Its got me a bit worried actually.. Strikes and woke nonsense..

Not to mention it's propaganda agendad to keep people under some mind control..

The CIA has whole departments dedicated to warping perceptions of reality to serve the status quo using Hollywood drama as I vehicle.

I have a bit of incidental knowledge of hearing about it..

Not everyone that works in the entertainment industry is in on it..most people are just hard working tech professionals like I am..but higher up that ladder it gets nefarious ...

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