Aya, so many of us are feeling exhausted these days by so much that is wrong, especially the genocide in Gaza and the western world's support of it.

When will it end?! What can we do to help it to end? I wish I knew...

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I too am exhausted.For nine months I have been ashamed to be a human being.I cannot believe the cruelty and injustice towards the Palestinian people and the complicity of my country.For me,the devil is present and it is the land of Israel.I am waiting for a saviour but I wonder if man has truly outstayed his welcome on this earth.Maybe we all have a lesson to learn.

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I think you are more courageous than most, basically. Many (most?) humans (certainly here in the UK) can only stand a little bit of truth at a time.

I agree with you in a previous post that it's a sign of internalising grotesque levels of cognitive dissonance to be mentally healthy in this society. But I also haven't read much about many of the grim abuses you mention here... likewise, I think Starmer has largely purged the Labour Party of any remaining integrity or purpose, but I'm still tried to take some hope from watching Zarah Sultana's and Jeremy Corbyn's post-election speeches.

As you say, you have days of optimism. I find teaching in a school is a really deprived area I feel overwhelmed by both the experiences of many of the kids and some of the opinions that some parents have helped place in their heads [really struggled addressing some grim levels of homophobia this week] but pragmatically I have to compartmentalise a bit else I'd just quit the job and probably retreat into being alone, angry and depressed.

It's easier as a white guy though - especially with a CBT therapist who charges far, far less than she probably should. I think for your readers, your next post/s will help us to contextualise.

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Jul 6Author

Gosh, I can't imagine how you manage it! Kudos to you massively

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Thanks Aya - it's a bloody tough job but can be massively rewarding! I can't imagine how you managed to put up with so much shit campaigning.

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Where’s your Hebrew God now, Moses? He ain’t coming cause he either doesn’t care or doesn’t exist.

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