I couldn't agree more with you. You gave me a lot to think about how things have reached the point the US and the world is at. Its only taken 50 years to destroy the planet. Have you considered the ages of the people who are in power and control? The majority are from the hippy generation of peace love and dope. What happened? They sold out. Generations have certain psychological makeups, and the 60's generation was narcissistic and thought primarily of themselves. Reaganomics changed everything for the worse. Looking at the demographics of today there is a sharp division of the haves and have nots. The haves are those over 70.

The middle class is the glue that binds things together and allows the elite control of the masses. The middle class today is an illusion thanks to the debt based economy. Living paycheck to paycheck is not middle class regardless of yearly income. In order to be considered a "good citizen" today you need a high credit score and be deeply in debt.

With the current surveillance society violence by the government is not necessary. A revolution can be stopped before it gets started. A revolution needs to be organized and have set goals. All forms of electronic communication are monitored by the government. Edward Snowden informed us and what happened to him?

"We are so brainwashed by our state institutions and the phoney democracies ruling us that we have forgotten that they only do so with our consent. We forget that we can withdraw that consent."

As you correctly point out if the consent is withdrawn it's no longer a law. However the consent has to be withdrawn simultaneously on masse. What is used today is fear by severe punishment for individuals to prevent others from following suit. It's one reason why the US has the most incarcerated population in the world. Including death row for innocents. The police are a new branch military utilizing military tactics and weapons with protection from the "judicial system". The Patriot Act effectively nullified the constitution as anyone can be called a terrorist - not just foreign nationalists. The greatest impact citizens could exert on the government would be to boycott all the major corporations for all goods except for essentials. Consumerism is one of the major causes of government control and government is controlled by the corporations.

Consumerism is also the driving force behind ecocide climate change, chemical pollution and toxic waste primarily from the "developed countries" with the US leading the charge.

Thanks for the thought provoking article. Keep at it and maybe we can find a solution because we need one. Deprogramming the majority has to be the first step.

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Thanks for your comment which I fully agree with. This but in particular is something we are seeing so clearly:

"The greatest impact citizens could exert on the government would be to boycott all the major corporations for all goods except for essentials. "

The fact that boycotts are working has led to laws preventing them. The fact that the consumer market is inconvenienced - not stopped, but inconvenienced which affects the bottom line - has led to the US bombing one of the poorest nations on earth.

People have the power. The government and its propaganda machinery - privatised billionaire media- keeps telling you you don't - that Starbucks $11 billion fall in profits is nothing to do with your efforts in boycotting them. Whilst simultaneously attempting to ban you from boycotting them. Double speak.

People need to realise that power. As you said, deprogramming, relearning and probably keeping well away from western higher education institutions which seem to be more as a conduit of ego-centric brainwashing than of collective process as a species to the betterment of us all

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I've mentioned the boycott idea to numerous people and you are only the second one to agree with me! The rest all thought I was crazy. Yet here we are with global warming, forever chemicals, mountains,rivers and oceans of toxic trash while people flap their lips and arms about how the sky is falling on the way to Walmart for a new 7 ft TV in their 10 mpg Hummer. And a Starbucks $7.00 latte. All on MasterCard.

And the elite are beginning to panic. Bezos and Musk are proclaiming we need a TRILLION people populating the ENTIRE solar system ! Think of the profit to be made off those suckers! Earth will be a tourist attraction! Of course it's going to be a burned out desolate cinder by then but you'll be able to wear your spacesuit to look upon and imagine what once was paradise. These are the "geniuses" leading us to the lowest depths of hell.

Your take on universities couldn't be truer. You might want to expand it down to preschool though as it starts there. Doctorial degrees (PhD or piled higher and deeper) is just the final grooming in indoctrination. It's the means of turning out educated idiots. I've worked with quite a few of them. And the proof is in the pudding as they say. Look at the current state of civilization and the planet. What has been lost is common sense. Just mention that term and the hackles rise on the "educated ". "WE NEED ANOTHER STUDY!" Translation - "I need another grant to stay employed!" Universities have become the final weeding point for the corporations. If one doesn't follow corporations thinking and goals one doesn't get hired.

Thanks for your comment. You again opened my mind up- about Yemen and the disruption in shipping. If you like send me an email. You should have it since I subscribed to you. Maybe we can work together.

Keep writing - it's not important, it's vital and you do it superbly.

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Seriously, we are very much on the same wavelength here -defintely right about preschool. So many schools are actually useless - we do not come out knowing how to survive, just learning how to consume. Humans are meant to be creatures of survival not creatures of over-consumption.

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We definitely need a revolution.

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