Again you have told it like it is.And it is terrible.How can we go on living in a world where this is accepted?I am in my seventies and am so entirely changed by this nightmare event.I have lost all interest in socializing,travelling or anything else I used to enjoy.My heart is entirely broken,I never knew such pain.I will never see humanity in the same way again.I keep praying for a miracle.I have come to hate Israel and I never wanted that.Our collective love of Palestine must save it.Palestine will overcome.

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I think this speaks to so many of us.

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Yes,right here😓

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The whole world needs a revolution.

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I think it's coming - the 'democracies' are trying to stop peaceful protest. The masses will not take it

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Truth. Israel has systematically insured that the two-state solution is completely impossible. This means, as you said, the final outcome will be either Israel or Palestine.

It will be Palestine. It will take years, but perhaps not so many as one might think. Exactly how long depends on how long it takes for the re-energized BDS movement to change American foreign policy, but it will happen.

It will happen for the simple reason that most Americans are decent people who don't like genocide and ethnic cleansing, and are absolutely opposed to paying for it.

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Hopefully it will be as it historically was before European colonisers and imperialists came - where all people were treated equally

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The historical irony is that Jews were always treated far better in Muslim countries than in Christian ones until the foundation of Israel.

It is no coincidence.

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Why they keep building on illegal territory

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Totally: it’s also shocking how many people refuse to see this. I feel really very scared at the prospect of him being the next PM.

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Anyone arguing for a “two state solution” is out of their mind!

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The writing has been on the wall for a LONG time don't you think? Nobody in Israel was ever serious about a two state solution even after controlling 78% of the land BEFORE June 1967. It's not like they waited for long to establish settlements in the West Bank after Jordan, Egypt etc. got decimated. Once Menachem Begin and the Likud party got into power in the 70s the idea of two states was effectively dead (just read the Likud party platform of 1977 - Israeli sovereignty from the river to the sea - apparently it's not racist if Palestinians are thrown into the sea). Even if we were to assume that there were some on the Israeli left willing to trade land for peace and give up all of the West Bank and Gaza for a Palestinian state (22% of the land - which is a HISTORIC compromise for a people that had 100% of before 1948), it became politically impossible by the early 1980s with the rise of the Israeli right.

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When, in 1970, Zionists threatened to burn me to death for publishing the"Arab side of the story", I quickly realised that "Kibbutz" was merely propaganda to fool western socialist-leaning youth of the day; and that their pious claim of being the "only democracy in the Middle East" was only one of a litany of outrageous lies. The words 'lies' and 'Zionism' are synonymous. Yet journalists, whose very occupation is the use of words to inform, are now mere cogs in the propaganda machine. In the topography of human existence, it does not get lower than this. Perhaps that is what Trump meant when he referred to "The Swamp". He needs to expand this to encompass the New York Times and Sky News; bottom feeders in the rankest pools of slime.

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The timing of his death seems to be a portentous indeed!

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Aya, as ever, you have stated the case exactly and perfectly. When the ‘Israel’ apologists talk about a “two state solution “, we all know that the Zionist criminals would take all the best land - as they already have - and ensure that the Palestinians are pushed into some crappy little corner of wasteland or desert. My sincere hope is that now that the world has seen what evil 💩s the zionists are, they will have fatally wounded themselves. The only just solution is a Palestinian state. Let all the immigrant scum go back to Brooklyn and Poland and leave Palestine in peace. The other thing is that the senile Joe Biden (together with that vile 💩 Starmer) will support ‘Israel’ unconditionally. That will lose both of them lots of votes. The thought of the evil moron Trump in power in the US is scary. I don’t know what will happen here, because people are so fed up of the Tories, but Starmer as PM scares me. The only thing that we can hope for is that it’s the end of the line for scum wannabe leaders. Maybe this will be the point at which the scum realise that if they want to stay in power, they have to listen to the people? Who knows. Anyway, thanks very much for your post: I’m sharing it.

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Starmer is literally the epitome of gaslighter

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Aya- thanks for sharing this point of view. There are so many things out there now on this that it sometimes gets difficult to sort out the source. I appreciate you laying down some perspectives, for sure.

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