This is the racist truth about the rules based order that has been revealed, and it applies to all western nations that support Israel and its ongoing genocide of Gaza.

It also applies to the mainstream media who refuse to report on this and the other war crimes of the west accurately.

Thanks for posting, Aya. I'm so ashamed and disgusted with my government and others like it.

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Thank you for your writing.

It's hard to argue with your other conclusions in this piece!

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As a Westerner, reading and watching our own media feels so gross and shameful. People aren’t even publicly talking about it very much outside of the internet. Thank you for your writing! It’s really important for us in the West to have access to this information when our own media and governments’ are too embroiled in their own hypocrisy to give it to us directly.

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Great piece of writing.

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And non-white lives that are in the way of natural resources matter least of all.

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Yes the Western patriarchy is naked, it's certainly not going to win any war and more and more power is slipping through its fingers as it tries to grip tighter.

Yet it's still trying to manipulate us into fighting for it.

It can take a hike.

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Hey Aya, I think you mean Israel in your first line

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Thank you! Changed

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I really struggle with this whole question . Zionism is certainly an extremely racist ideology and I do think that most of the US Congress have been carefully selected because they are Zionists. The racism is directed at Muslims because Israeli Zionism is Islamophobic . Christian Zionism , so prevalent in the US is messianic but not necessarily Islamophobic across the board. Rather, Palestinians living in Israel stand in the way of their ideology so they want them gone. The Israel Lobby controls mainstream media, intelligence and foreign policy ( probably a large section of domestic policy too ). However, and this is where I get confused . I can’t believe that every member of Western government is inherently racist . I think more that they are either frightened to condemn Israel for fear of being called antisemitic and losing their job and /or they receive payouts from the Israel Lobby for giving unconditional support to Israel and parroting what Israel tells them to say. Israel has in the past coordinated assassinations . I am convinced that many politicians are just scared to declare support for Palestinians. What are people’s thoughts on this ?

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Apr 18Edited

It is not just about Zionism - though zionism is very much a prong of imperialism and the one they are using right now. They are actually identical in their fundamentals. I promise to write something on this soon.

The whole Western system is racist and designed to be so. The whole history once they could sail the seas, is based on suppression and genocide. Look at the history of Europeans in Africa; the transatlantic slave trade, the destruction of India, the carving up of the Middle East, the depictions of Salahuddin.

There are of course, some politicians - like Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway - who do not have a racist bone in their bodies. However, both of them would accept that Britain's is systemically and institutionally racist. They aren't just racist, they are classist and they gate-keep out pretty much everyone not in the 'elite'. Oxbridge graduates still take top spaces in pretty much every high role in society; social mobility has been shattered meaning that the former will most likely be from the richer of society etc etc. 92.6% of judges are white and from privileged backgrounds which to be honest, makes it very difficult for them to empathise however much they may pretend to. They simply cannot; their realities are totally different. Sentencing of ethnic minorities is a stark reality to this fact.

The 'elite' are the servants of no-one put the mighty £ and for them everything is an economic calculation. As such, non-whites are seen as cheap as they are ten a penny. Government MPs even made speeces in the House of Commons that disabled people should be paid less because they do their jobs slower - a disgraceful thing to say, but for them and their obsession with money, entirely rational. 'Let the bodies pile high' and the death of the elderly alone in care homes was another government decision to save money. The disabled and the elderly are seen as worthless because they don't earn as much or money has to be spent on them. These cruel calculations - capitalisitic and neoliberal - power the entire Western States. It is the overriding consideration at all times. Zionism isn't the root cause of what is happening in Gaza - the massive gas reserves underneath their feet and its position as a viable alternative to the Suez Canal is the primary motivator. In this, the West is racist.

Amazingly I read an article today that said that radiographers in the UK were protesting and refusing to scan asylum seekers ('migrants') bones to determine their age (children get to stay more easily), because it was unethical. My heart felt happy at reading this, thinking I had witnessed some basic humanity. It was short lived however, when the 'ethical' consideration was the money and time spent doing these tests which meant the British taxpayer were forking out for them and it was increasing waiting times. Nothing about hte dehumanising nature of such a Nazi-esque policy; just the money. Here is the article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/calls-for-radiographers-to-refuse-to-conduct-age-tests-on-migrants/ar-BB1lK3ua

I mean, what can else can you say?

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I hate to say it, but I can only hope I live long enough to see the destruction of this stinking country. I say that because that's what it will honestly take to end its war on humanity. That's just a fact. There will be no 'come-to-Jesus' moment. There will be no magical epiphany, or moment of realization or reflection. 9/11 proved that without a doubt. It will just continue until it can't.

Thank you Aya for your words. The only hope is people like you, more open communication – solidarity (courtesy of the internet) – if anything – will be what shifts the tide...if we don't destroy it all first.

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Apr 18Edited

I don't know what can change it. We are in the Era of Lies and if Western judiciary is prepared to twist 'the law' to appease the oppressors in their subjugation of basic rights (Assange and Shamima being the main examples), then something needs to give. It is impossible to be governed under these parameters - we are being ruled and suppressed for the benefit of a few.

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Australian people are acutely aware of this…we the people of Australia are silenced by our racist institutions and political leaders…we live in an open prison penal colony…the people are against what our government does with their leadership positions and are belittled and silenced, so to never be able to rise and bring changes we want…our leaders follow a sick, racist agenda.

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