As a Canadian, I promise you it's not just England. The double speak coming from Canada's politicians is infuriating on the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza.

So many of us are angry beyond belief, boycotting, writing letters, taking to the streets.

Fascism is showing its ugly face all over the western world. What do we do? I wish I knew.

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I agree totally with your level headed writing.I loathe England even though I am white and English.Ashamed of the complacency towards Palestine and the genocide in Gaza.Everything you wrote about their sheeplike stupidity is true.I am applying for an Irish passport.The Irish have an affinity with Palestine.Everywhere the English went they left carnage.We have a terrible history but have learnt nothing.I was a Labour member for over fifty years but it has been taken over by Zionists and is on a par with the Conservatives in awfulness.England needs a revolution more than ever but no chance with a nation of sheep.Best bet is to leave.The grass really is greener.

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I am amazed by your bravery and wish you all the best! I'd also love you take me with you!!!

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I think that the sheep are so addicted to their consumer goods and way of life they fear losing it and are getting worse by the day in order to protect it (like the banker). The similarities between the US and UK are uncanny. It's a subconscious/ unconscious reaction which blinds them to the reality confronting them. It's also called "Willing suspension of disbelief" but rather than being in the theater watching a play, the "play" is the reality of the planet and civilization collapsing slowly before our eyes. Humans are dependent upon technology and couldn't survive two days as you put it so aptly. We have been programmed and forced into a society where we are dependent and reliant on one another for survival due to "specialization". Give Elon Musk (or any of our leaders) a shovel and seeds and tell him he has to plant a garden if he wants to survive and see how well he does. The closer the planet gets to collapse of the environment the worse people's reactions will be. The wars, immigration, homelessness, mass shootings are all a result of this. Mass panic on an unconscious level with denial of reality. And note that that the problems are most severe in the developed countries with the highest rate of consumption. We've been programmed to waste and destroy in a mindless way for the benefit of a few.

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Pro-Palestine protesters gathered in London demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza


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Aya is exactly right here. I’m atheist - because of what happens in the Holy Lands, actually. If there was a God, would he/she/it allow the ongoing genocide of the native peoples? Britain has become a nasty little country full of ignorant rightwingers. They were always here, but since the disaster of Brexshit, they have crawled out from under their rocks and completely taken over. Just look at the Labour Party now, for example.

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Britain's bloody and colonial history inevitably shapes the racism of a majority, egged on by the media and vested interests. Unfortunately we see the same in the US, Australia, many European countries and so on. I often fantasise about a world where all that is overcome. Where the majority do the right thing. Where the only criteria for judging someone is their actions and ethics, and nothing else matters (age, sex, skin colour, where you are born, sexual preferences, whatever). You're right, it is draining to see what so many refuse to see. You can't go back once the veil is lifted. All we can do is unite, and see that there are others who are good, and who see how things are, and make sure our voices count.

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PS I see a lot of this dating back to when the natives of Britain were killed by invaders who took over and formed what is currently England. I'd love to see a new Celtic nation reform, where Scotland and Wales break free from England and join Ireland, and the new Celtic nation allies not with murderers but with countries that care about justice and equality. (The North of England is also welcome to secede and join Scotland). And let England sit there, fragmented and bitter, surrounded by forward-looking nations, until eventually they collapse. Then the Celtic nations can reclaim the land that was there before it was colonised by murderers. And for the first time we'd see a case of colonialism reversed.

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That would be something wouldn't it

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Great writing. Depressing because it's true. It's hard not to reach the conclusions you have reached. I am white British but have lived in the Midlands, London, South Coast, West Country and see the ignorance of our establishment but also the beauty and generosity of ordinary people. We're so subjected to a torrent of falsity from early schooling to prosaic day to day that most people don't even question how England is still owned by many family's of Norman descent. We're kept very much divided and are encouraged to focus on race as a way to keep us that way. Economic disparity is a huge issue which, if not recognised and overcome, means we'll fall for simply another version of the same strategy. Identity is the new witch craze.

Britain is still a magic island, we just need to dig down and dig in:


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I see some beautiful and generous people but they are so few and so far between. Maybe as this massacre continues more will embrace this side of themselves. I really hope so beyond hope

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Yes. U.S. here, current progenitors of Genocides as regularly scheduled per decade? No, no it's more frequent then that, isn't it?

I'm learning as my innards recoil and shrivel from the ongoing cruel PREVENTABLE current genocide, that this country may not have lost it's original aspirations for a just society, but never even had them.

The Federalist Society and other sThink Tanks driving our country are headed to the 1800s. What does that say?

Yes this country made inroads towards a more just and equitable country, I naively believed. However, the White and Male peoples saw a loss of power, a minuscule threat on the horizon and the brakes were harshly slammed into place and the gears were shifted into reverse.

Before then, though, the Corporations started smothering the Commons (people) of other nations, that which they labeled communism for us to fear. They knew they couldn't have a whole country shining with justice and peace and prosperity a mere 1000(?) miles south of our border.

So yes, this country has been snuffing out freedom and equality since before the Civil War and fully committing Genocides.

This last crime against humanity is on full display and will tip us into full on dictatorship or ooze us off into the lands of fascism until the planet can no longer recover from our over-grazing.

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‘Britain is being shagged (by sheep)’ I need a t-shirt. Brilliant. Funny. Poignant. Your post is fantastic. Truly. Informative, thought provoking and stimulating. Stimulating in that it revitalized my promise to post everyday with the goal of waking up somebody, anybody. Thank you for this and know that this USA is fascist sheeple state now. Some of us know that re-location camps will be coming soon for all of us… not just the Native Americans who already have been relocated and holistically massacred.

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Sheep are actually very beautiful, social, intelligent creatures, I have great love for them... managed well they restore grassland and wildflower meadows... The current system of farming creates food for those with no interest in the gut wrenching physical and emotional work it takes to produce it. This is not the fault of the farmers or the sheep....... The fascists can fuck off though I agree with you there.

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If you think English Churchill-worship was bad, you should see American Churchill-worship.

It is quite unseemly to watch men, women, children express such devotion to the old bigot.

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The native British have a say in their own country. You have the freedom to practice your religion and express yourself. Nothing is perfect.

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There's no such thing as a native 'Brit'. It's not a race.

In factual reality, despite laws saying there should be, there is no freedom to practice religion and express yourself and this comment is literally both the sheep and fascist behaviour I've spoken about in my piece:

1) Not reading things and not caring about reality and facts - sheep

2) Getting annoyed when a brown person speaks up and in response makes nonsensical and factual inaccurate comments to then other them, such as the phrase 'native Brit' which is meaningless but let's be honest, you're really trying to say white people who live in Britain who you think have more rights coming from this false notion of 'native' - fascism.

Thanks for providing the case study

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Are you suggesting that Muslims can’t practice their religion freely in Britain? You are able to demonstrate on the streets of Britain without fear of persecution.

Native Brits have a right to make decisions about who enters their country. Mass Illegal immigration into Britain is a huge problem.

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I shouldn't really respond to racists, but I couldn't help laughing at your (rightly deleted) comment that ended with saying I was "ignorant about history. Muslims under Mohammad were brutal invaders."

It was Christians that invaded Britain and forced the Celts and pagans out.

It was Christians that invaded Australia and stole the land from the natives.

It was Christians that invaded America and stole the land from the natives, slaughtering them and their livelihood (bison).

It was Christians that invaded Africa and enslaved the natives.

It was Christians that went around the world trying to destroy native religions and culture and replace them with their own ("missionaries").

It was Christians that burnt people alive during with their superstitious witch hunts and inquisitions.

It was Christians that went on "crusades" to other countries to kill the natives.

It was Christians that firebombed civilians in Dresden.

It was Christians that are the only people to drop nuclear weapons on people - civilians, no less.

It is often US Christians that support and fund the genocide taking place in Palestine.

I could go on, but history suggests Christians are the most bloodthirsty and violent of religions.

Yes, I do know my history.

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Yes the deleted comment author was spreading misinformation and clearly isn't someone who cares for facts. She totally embodies the article I wrote completely. I only deleted the comment because it was super racist

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I agree. You did the right thing. I block mercilessly if they're trolls or racists.

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Feb 15, 2024
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"Mass Illegal immigration into Britain is a huge problem."

Actually, a bigger problem is mass illegal emigration of Brits. Colonising other countries, establishing bloody regimes, wiping out or enslaving Africans, Native Americans, Aborigines, Indians, Palestinians and so on. Also the mass emigration of Brits to places like Spain, where our old people colonies destroyed local culture.

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By native British do you mean descendents of invaders? I always find it funny that the people who talk about illegal immigrants versus "proper British" are all descended from illegal immigrants (Germanic tribes, Anglo-Saxons etc, that killed and kicked out the native Pagan Celts). So if to be "native British" means to be descended from the native Britons pre-invasion, then the number of people who are truly native are only the tiniest fraction of those who falsely claim to be native. Even the royal family are just descendents of illegal immigrants.

But if it isn't about truly being descended from the natives (which very few white people in Britain are) then it's about where you're born. And the truth is, if you're born here then you are just as much a native as anyone else born here, regardless of your religion, sex, age, skin colour, favourite food, or any other morally irrelevant factor. And if you're not born on this island, so what? The world isn't really owned or marked with boundaries, that's just the remnants of bloody wars and total arseholes and people trying to maintain power. The earth doesn't belong to any nation, nor any species. It belongs to all life. People should be allowed to live wherever they want. Only those who benefit from exploitation want to keep the exploited in ghettos.

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I don’t know . I don’t think it’s as simple as calling these politicians racists or fascists. I think they receive big hand outs from Israel to use certain language and provide it with impunity. I can’t believe all these people are evil . Rather they are sh..ting themselves because their lies and cover ups have been exposed .

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