If the Jews should ever succeed in setting up their Israel in the state of Palestine, most of them will not go to live there. No, they will reside in their host country continuing in their criminal actions. They will use Israel as a safe haven, a habitat of convenience, from which they cannot be extradited
He's a total twat and paid ZIOnist shill
Labour Friends of Israel MPs: as of 3 Apr it is at https://archive.md/ykLus
I'm just starting a blog/website very specifically to enable and encourage people to read
stuff which the authorities would rather they don't read - so far it's mostly about people being
arrested for talking about Palestine, but one thing I mention is stuff being removed from the web and I use the LFI MP list as an example.
pages at https://jeremydaw.github.io/pages/streisand-effect/
I want to make it a substack or wordpress blog, https://streisandeffect.substack.com/ but so far nothing much there
Aya I refer to a couple of your articles - and thanks for the legal stuff in the coconut article.
Comments of suggestions welcome
This is a brilliant idea. I'd like to help anyway I can.
I'm personally going to launch a project on sovreignty because I don't think people know how deeply compromised we are
Brilliant job, Aya, keep on keeping on. Free Free Palestine.
What the world needs now is sweet justice, not only just for some but for everyone.
If the Jews should ever succeed in setting up their Israel in the state of Palestine, most of them will not go to live there. No, they will reside in their host country continuing in their criminal actions. They will use Israel as a safe haven, a habitat of convenience, from which they cannot be extradited
Adolf Hitler
Oh, wow.