The UK won't stop arms sales to Israel because they don't understand what a 'weapon' is
More mental acrobatics and disingenuity from the UK's 'greatest' legal minds
Britain is in a terrible place right now. The judiciary and those who make the legal decisions in government - such as the Attorney General - are totally and utterly compromised. Their systemic racism and Islamophobia is blatant, systematic and intentionally obvious. What is clear is that judges make their decisions prior to hearing any evidence, and then mould the evidence to justify their predetermined rulings. We have had cases where entire ethnic groups are imprisoned under ‘joint enterprise’ when they haven’t participated in any crime. We have IOF dual nationals allowed to join an army committing genocide and then return to the UK to take up prestigious university roles while a trafficked British Muslim girl is left stateless despite not a single allegation of violence being levelled at her. Any journalist reporting truth and humanising Muslims or brown people is being arrested and intimidated: Richard Medhurst, Julian Assange, Craig Murray, Sarah Wilkinson - even the co-founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov under the bizarre pretence of ‘allowing criminal activity’ on the platform. There are WhassApp criminals, yet, Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t been arrested. Huw Edwards admitted receiving illegal images of children on WhassApp and the child safety organisation, Internet Watch Foundation says nothing is stopping such images from being circulated on WhassApp. There was an actual Craiglist killer and several TikTok murderers. But no arrests of platform owners there either.
In Britain, white child abusers and murderers are given shorter sentences than brown TikTok stars who did not intend to commit murder. Reading the judgments, the mental acrobatics are clear. It seems more likely that Pavel Durov is being intimidated due to the fact there have been substantial leaks of Israeli state data which despite all their billions of dollars of US taxpayers’ money, the Israeli state have been unable to stop:
Once the judiciary is destroyed in this way, society cannot function fairly. Britain is fully there when it comes to Muslims and ethnic minorities, and anyone who speaks out against the Zionist Israeli state.
Non-white people are not classified as humans in Western imperial narratives. Thus, it is not permitted to humanise them. Their humanity is ‘political’ because their lives are seen only as tools for Western purposes; whether by exploitation of their lands or exploitation of their labour, ergo their bodies. Schools banned discussion of dead Gazan babies because their murders are allowed. They are just objects. Just like the slaves on the Zong were just objects. The disposal of objects are financial or political choices. This is all we are. This is all we have ever been since the Europeans invaded our lands.
The new Attorney General, appointed as a lifetime peer by Keir Starmer, who is a close friend of the Prime Minister and previously donated £5,000 to his Labour Leadership campaign, is Baron Richard Hermer KC; a human rights lawyer like Sir Kid Starver, sorry, Keir Starmer. No, nothing to see here.
Richard Hermer KC is in charge of the decision of whether to ban UK exports of weapons to Israel. Baron Hermer has decided not to ban exports of weapons to Israel at this time because he does not know if the weapons are being used as ‘defensive weapons.’ Until he has determined that, he says he cannot ban them. In other words, if the weapons are being used to massacre children, he will not exercise caution and ban the weapons until he knows for sure that they are not being used in that way; instead he will allow them to be continued to be used to potentially massacre more kids until he makes the determination of whether they are being used to kill kids - which the entire globe already knows they are.
Let me be clear. There is NO SUCH THING as a defensive weapon. It is a misnomer, it is an oxymoron, a self-contradiction, a paradox, an incongruity, completely nonsensical. A weapon is only there to attack, harm and injure. If a weapon is used in ‘self-defence’ the aim may be legitimate, but the consequence is the same: to harm and injure, albeit to prevent someone from continuing to harm and injure you. Its purpose is always to harm and injure. A weapon is an object, it has no mind of its own - it responds only to the one wielding it. It is not ‘defensive’ by nature - it is always offensive. If the intention of the wielder is ‘self-defence’ the weapon remains offensive.
The only defensive objects are those that act like shields: that block weaponry from hitting their target. Any retaliatory object in any way - is an offensive weapon.
Mr Hermer KC - a human rights lawyer - does not understand this. Or rather, he understands it well but chooses to try and confuse and conflate the matter; the purpose being to confuse the public - who are hugely supportive of the Gazans - and to manufacture consent for continued arms exports to Israel; delaying any attempts to ban exports which he knows clearly fall outside international - and domestic - laws.
Logically, one would think that when there is a ruling from the ICJ that Israel is committing plausible genocide against the Palestinians, when the UN has confirmed Israel has committed genocide in Gaza, when the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his ‘defence’ minister for crimes against humanity, and where NGOs the world over continue to document war crimes against the Palestinians, that any normal, reasonable human being would conclude that the weapons used by the IDF were as a fact, being used to commit genocide and war crimes: or at least, are more than likely to be so.
But no, not this bezzie of Keir Starmer.
Richard Hermer KC has instead decided that, despite Israel committing genocide and murdering innocent civilians en masse and with impunity, and despite their stated intention not to follow ICJ rulings and thus international law, he does not know which weapons are ‘defensive’ and therefore cannot ban these weapons unless he knows for sure that they ARE being used in an offensive way which breaks humanitarian law. That’s right: the Attorney General of the UK will not ban weapons exports to Israel unless he is sure that a specific weapon is actually being used to commit a war crime by a state that is actively committing genocide and whose PM has declared it will not stop. With Israel always asked to investigate itself—and Hermer’s clear nonchalance towards undeniable evidence from all major international human rights bodies—one can only wonder what the outcome of his ‘investigations’ will be(!) The mind simply boggles.
Do not tell me that the arms of government in the UK are not compromised: there is no Separation of Powers any longer. They are all heavily involved in this authoritarian sh*t: from the ‘executive’ - which includes the Attorney General himself and the police ‘just following orders’ in arresting people without cause and to the purely intimidate, to the mental acrobatics of the judiciary and the terrifying authoritarian laws passed by the legislature.
Logic, of course, would mean one would err on the side of caution and ban all exports until such a disingenuous and faux determination is reached. But no, not the British government. They are engaged in full mental acrobatics and dishonest tautology and had decided long ago they did not want to stop weapons exports to Israel. In fact, the previous tag-team government issued 108 more export licenses to Israel since Oct 7 2023. The present tag-team government does not want to stop exporting weapons to Israel, so they will not. They will instead offer false hope, play with words and delay any ban entirely.
Here is one of the weapons Israel has been using. It used this in the At-Tab’een school massacre. This is when Israel targeted a school at the morning fajr prayer time, killing at least 100 people. This missile destroyed their bodies so completely that not a single complete body remained. To determine who had died, body parts had to be weighed - 70kg was determined to be an adult, 30kg a child. Doctors had to give random body parts of children in plastic bags for their parents to bury.
The Prime Minister of the UK is Sir Keir Starmer KC. He is self-proclaimed ‘unequivocally Zionist’ and says he will always stand with Israel. He has shown scant and despicable disregard for Palestinian lives. Like the Israeli State, he embodies Zionism and has appointed to various government positions - and to his Cabinet - those who seem to embody the same principles and who have been funded by pro-Israeli lobbyists.
I have gone down this Wikipedia rabbit hole of Attorney General, Richard Hermer KC, and I post the relevant links for your perusal. I make no comment on his ideology, and let you decide. Enjoy.
Wikipedia says Hermer was born into a ‘blue box’ Jewish family and was a former sabbatical officer of the Union of Jewish students:
Clicking the ‘blue-box’ hyper link on that Wikipedia articles takes you to this Wikipedia article:
A quick Wikipedia search on the JNF comes up with this:
A quick Google search comes up with the below. Fact sheet here.
As above, Wikipedia says Hermer was a former sabbatical officer of the Union of Jewish students:
As above, Wikipedia says the Union of Jewish Students is represented on the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Their Wikipedia page is here and states:
We are in serious trouble, if we can't come together, and make a number of plans, and stand united to make successful changes . I know there are well meaning people out there but they are reluctant to sacrifice ANY comforts, whatsoever. Only by affecting corporate money, will any changes occur. Doing this means it would hurt the economy ( temporarily), and this is the problem , politicians and CEO'S are well aware of how people won't rock the boat, because it would hurt our personal finances. Corporations answer to shareholders, so hurting their income would force a changes in policy. We must ask ourselves, are we ok with genocide and other atrocities for the sake of paying less or earning more. It's the only way.
Hopefully we see a slew of these world leaders assassinated as they work on turning our world into hell on earth.