The Other Victims of the Palestine Genocide: Uniting Muslims and Jews Against Oppression
Around the Globe, Muslims and Jews feel the Ongoing Impact of the Latest Colonial Warfare
I read with sadness an article a Jewish man wrote on Medium. A staunch supporter of Palestinian rights and against the colonial genocide of the Israeli State, he nevertheless felt a mounting fear in expressing his Jewishness. For Hannukah this year, he was scared to put out his Menorah.
The malignant narrative that equates criticism of Israel’s Zionism with anti-Semitism has had the polar opposite effect of what it ostensibly attempted to achieve: hiding behind Judaism to block any sincere, objective criticism.
The problem with engaging in disingenuity is that it often backfires and in the latest Gaza massacre, this is precisely what has happened. Equating Zionism with Judaism means that when the Zionist regime does something in the name of Zionism, the world sees it as an act of Judaism. Jewish people then become targets of resentment of the Zionist regime and are at very real risk of being victims of hate crimes. And this is precisely what has occurred.
Of course, it is not just the Jewish population affected by the rise in hate crimes, but Muslims too, the majority of Palestinians being Muslim. In the UK, the former Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, specifically linked pro-Palestinian peace marches with “Islamists” inciting a racist and Islamophobic counter-protest on Armistice day where protestors shouted at Muslims, “Allah, Allah, who the fuck is Allah?”
Being from a Muslim background, I have faced such Islamophobia for years, ever since Osama bin Laden flew his planes into the towers and the US responded by throwing the Muslim world into terror. I get spat at the street and told to ‘go home’ on a frequent basis. It is a common occurence for Muslims in the West and completely normalised. Nadiya Hussain, a widely popular TV chef and a UK household staple still expects racism in her everyday life. Every time a Muslim country is on the news, normally being bombed by a colonial power, Islamophobic hate crimes rise. In the latest Israeli offensive in Gaza however, my Jewish friends and neighbours are also being victimised by an over-propagandised public desperate for blood.
In no way do I seek to minimise the horrors of ethnic cleansing the people of Gaza have been facing for over 65 days when I state the fact that the committing of this genocide has created global victims. Muslims and Jews worldwide are facing fear and reprisals. Our suffering is nothing next to the Palestinians, but the vast-stretching hand of the destruction and fear that colonialist violence extends cannot be ignored.
And so I wrote back to the man on Medium. This was my response:
“As someone with Muslim heritage, there is an "otherness" that is placed upon us by Western countries - using violence of states and groups to justify the ‘boxing-up’ of us. For years in the UK, my religious heritage meant I was seen as a terrorist due to the likes of Al-Qaida and ISIS - and I see Jewish people such as yourself now being labelled as genociders because of the actions of the Israeli State.
My point being is that it is the same sh*t, different day for minorities and the labels that the Western Empire hemegony puts us under, and that we are far more alike in this than we realise. Muslims and Jews worldwide are the victims of the latest colonial massacre. We should work together to stop these narratives about us. The colonial narrative divides and conquers and always tries to blame religon or 'ethnic tensions'. These tensions are invariably created or inflammed by these colonisers. It's always about money, and it's always about looting - and blaming the victim. Netanyahu is a corrupt crony in the latest fossil fuel robbery - the bloodiest in the world to date.
Put your Menorah out. I will fast my Ramadan. We are not the instigators of this violence and neither are our religions. This is colonialism pure and simple and Zionism is simply an extension of that. Neoliberal colonisation requires racism to survive: it needs some to be subjugated and used; violently oppressed and persecutred to make the things the 'haves' have. We are the haves. I look around my room and I can find nothing which did not come from the actual oppression and bloodshed of others. Even the screen I am staring at was created by rivers of blood.
Do not let the narrative of others deny the truth. Truth is never contentious. Truth can never be changed however much people deny it, for it is the truth.
Sometimes truth requires bravery to be spoken, whispered and displayed. If you do not feel the courage today, because you fear harm, that is absolutely fine. You are irreplaceable and precious, and protecting yourself and your family is your sacred duty on this earth.
But do not doubt your religion and your heritage because others hijack it to pursue their evil and continued corruption.
Love yourself and all your aspects because there is nothing not to love.”