Fortress Europe's Got a Very Real Problem with Brown People
The overt racism of Western democratic states
Fortress Europe has a problem with brown people. The gaslighting mofos says they have a "migrant problem." Too many brown people are rocking up on their shores and they simply have no more room at the inn. Just like Palestinian Mary, they need to f*ck off and find some doss house to sleep in. Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the number of white Ukrainian refugees to Europe has been 4.8 million. The number of brown refugees on boats to Europe this year has been less than 280,000, 5.7% that number. I mean, mathematically, I cannot lie, it does make sense. Whites first off the boat/bus/complimentary cross-continental train. So, the best thing to do is just let the brown folk drown. I mean, it would be better to insure them first in the hope of making a quick buck, and even better, plan when the disaster will be and short your securities just like they in Tel Aviv before 7 October. But even a straight up drowning saves on the boat fuel so it's a win-win.
"But hark, the law!" I hear you cry. "One cannot leave people abandoned in the sea!" You would be right, if the law applied equally to brown people. (Spoiler alert: it doesn't).
The UK, strutting around with its beer belly hanging out of its vest and a Carling in its hand, always likes to be ahead of the crowd in these things. To be fair, Great™ Britain is the Master of Colonialism of which the US can only stand back, jaw floored. Sure, the US goes around bombing sh*t, but it loses wars and can't keep them pesky immigrants from breeding and getting US passports. Don't worry, Trump's on the case. He'll change that constitution faster than he built that wall, once he wipes the floor with genocidal Joe. It's all the rage these days to vote into office leaders facing corruption charges, so he's already got a significant advantage over Josef.
Unlike the US all guns blazing, the UK does colonialism a little differently these days. It chooses “diplomacy” first. It sends out its best brains - Prime Ministers themselves no less - to the brown nations they want to loot, and try to negotiate what they want. In the case of Theresa May’s trip to India, the pitch went like this – we want you to continue to invest in Brexit Britain to your disadvantage, keep sending your students at premium fees, but you must make sure they are out of here as soon as that mortarboard touches their heads. That's right, we want you to keep pouring in the money, but your brown people must go home. Modi may be a genocidal nut-job but he knows when he's being played. No deal.
The British, ever entrepreneurial, tried again. Sure, you can come work, says Rishi, the fourth unelected leader in six years in modern Europe's most hallowed democracy. We need nurses and carers. Come, and join the greatest country in Europe, away from the fascist EU. Your families? Of course they can come, as long as you can earn enough. (Oh, and if you’re not a carer, yeah then you’re not allowed for your family to come at all.) £18,000? Oh no, it’s raised slightly. It's not too high, just over double what it was before and more than the average wage of nurses. But yeah, your brown family will be able to come. Maybe. One day.
Typical colonial double-crossing, backstabbing; it's all as fishy as Rishi. The message is clear; brown people can come to be our skivvies, but they can't bring anyone else with them. The brown quota is full.
And it is only the brown quota. You see, while the UK actively seeks pushing away boats full of asylum seekers, always brown, they make safe routes for white Ukrainian asylum seekers.
While brown asylum seekers grip to the outside of Eurostar trains risking death, white Ukrainians are given free tickets. While white Ukrainian children are given priority and homes, asylum seeker children of colour are unlawfully placed in hotels and trafficked. Kent Council, perhaps the most racist in the entire UK, has lost 200 children, most likely to trafficking.
"But hark!" you say, "The law does not allow it! The Courts said it was unlawful for Kent to act in this way towards these children." And yes, you are right. But they've just shrugged and ignored the judgment of the High Court and keep on losing brown kids anyway because they can, and no big bad judge in a silly wig is gonna scare them. “We are the people of Nigel Farage,” they cry, “the never MP and nearly-King of the jungle!”
No more does the UK even deign to place the non-drowned brown people on UK land; they must now be held indefinitely in a structure upon the sea.
Despite two of the four countries of the United Kingdom currently sporting leaders with brown faces, there is not a scintilla of empathy for their South Asian brethren and that drawbridge is firmly up. Even brown Brits are in danger of having their citizenship taken at whim, leaving them stateless.
"Hark!" you say, "But International law! You can’t make someone stateless!" You are right. But what's going to happen if they do discriminate and blatantly violate international law? (Spoiler alert: f*ck all.)
And so to Shamima Begum, trafficked into the Islamic State by a Canadian spy at age 15 and then forced to become a child bride. The British Special Immigration Appeals Commission itself even confirmed that Shamima, "was recruited, transferred and then harboured for the purpose of sexual exploitation." It nevertheless thought it fine that this child slave should lose her citizenship because she is brown and we have quite enough of them thank you very much.
While Shamima lost her citizenship without firing a shot, British Israeli dual-nationals have been allowed to join the IDF and commit war crimes in Gaza with impunity. Not a single one of these British nationals has been arrested by UK police forces. Not a single one has been charged and not a single one has lost their British citizenship. Because they are white. And they are killing brown people in a UK-endorsed genocide with no UK-supported ceasefire in sight. Another win-win for Brexit Britain.
Fortress Europe has a problem with brown people. And it's all in their tiny little heads.