There are two wild things about the US political establishment and a huge segment of the American electorate:
They bang on about God non-stop in their Presidential oaths. It's even on their money; ‘in God we trust’
They push everyone in the world to accept their Judeo-Christian viewpoint which - according to their interpretation - means that they can colonise Palestine with Europeans who have Jewish lineage because the Judeo-Christian God said it's their ‘promised land.’
The selective picking out from the Bible is wild. The Torah - the part of which is included in the Bible says:
“Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death. Whoever takes an animal's life shall make it good, life for life. If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him, fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him. Whoever kills an animal shall make it good, and whoever kills a person shall be put to death. You shall have the same rule for the sojourner and for the native, for I am the Lord your God.”
As Caitlin Johnstone aptly said:
Donald Trump is now on the receiving end of a deluge of sympathy and support throughout the western world after surviving an assassination attempt, despite the fact that he himself is an open and unapologetic perpetrator of assassination.
It's not just Donald Trump, obviously, who orders assassinations and has taken lives. Barack Obama ordered assassinations and took countless lives and was the first President to order the assassination of a US citizen without charge or trial in a country the US wasn’t even officially at war with. Two weeks later his 16-year old American son was also murdered by Obama as ‘collateral damage’ , because they are brown people so do not count as human life. We won’t even bother with George W Bush and his papa, and their illegal wars and body counts.
I mean, it isn’t just brown and black kids - US and non-US citizens - that American Presidents support the killings of. Mass school shootings are a uniquely American epidemic. 12 kids a day die in the US die from gun violence and 32 are injured. And you think I care about Donald Trump?
It’s not just school, anywhere mass shootings are a uniquely American epidemic. Cinemas, shopping centres, you name it, pop in and you could be killed. The last time I went to the States - reluctantly - I was on super high alert believing anyone could pull out a gun and kill me at any time. Because they pretty much could.
Not a single American President has done a thing to stop this from happening. Instead, American kids are sold bulletproof backpacks and desks. Why? Because the gun lobby is powerful, violence is the modus operandi of the US and it is how they generate their wealth. Violent mobsters - because that’s what lobbying is; legalised bribery, blackmail and corruption - rule the US and pull all of the strings.
Don’t believe me? In 2021 alone, the NRA spent $4.2 million on lobbying and provided $30 million to Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign - making them probably his biggest single supporter - and since 2010, has funnelled $140 million to election candidates.
These figures are peanuts next to global arms companies. They have spent $2.5 billion on lobbying over the past 20 years. In fact, the number of military lobbyists over the past five years has outnumbered the number of members of the U.S. Congress. Tell me again, who runs the US?
Hell yeah, Biden is a better candidate than Trump for these purveyors of these instruments of murder. With his clear cognitive decline, he is now LITERALLY a ventriloquist’s dream and a human puppet whose strings can be pulled.
In any serious society, the likes of Bush, Trump, Biden and Obama would all be put on trial and imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives, in solitary confinement and very possibly in straitjackets for the protection of all human beings on earth. In their own country, they may even face the death penalty.
Instead, we are told these death merchants and murderers are ‘special’ simply because the job they occupy - or are vying for - is ‘hallowed’. It’s similar to police believing they can get away with police violence simply because they wear a uniform. But unlike police officers, who do not invariably get away with their violent crimes, Presidents always do. It is known beyond doubt that George W Bush and Tony Blair conducted an illegal war in Iraq which displaced 9.2 million people and murdered 500,000 more.
The death count of American Presidents in the last 20 years alone is at least 4,700,000 and counting; the number of displaced at least 38,000,000.
It seems that simply by becoming the President of the US or leader of the UK, you have the right to murder people with impunity. It’s like living your very own snuff film. Imagine the type of dysfunctional, pathological, psychopathic, narcissistic, egoistic, sociopathic, murderous personalities this position must attract. (Have I covered the entire spectrum of your last 10 Presidents yet? Are there more adjectives you’d like me to add?)
The Presidency of the United States should be a hallowed office: respected and respectable. It should not be the domain of war criminals spending American tax dollars on foreign wars to profit the few. Since the start of the Afghan war alone, the Pentagon has spent an eye-watering $14 TRILLION; about half of which has gone to only 5 companies.
To spend American tax dollars not on the American people but for the profiteering of the few is a Ponzi scheme and theft. There is simply no other word for it. It is grand theft and larceny, and any President engaging in this is engaging in what would normally be correctly classified as a crime.
(Where are the Bible belt now? “Thou shalt not steal.” Please, read your scriptures. )
Don’t fall for the bullsh*t. No ‘job’ means you are above the law. It doesn’t matter what shape your fancy office is; if you have murdered and killed, you have murdered and killed and you should be tried and charged and imprisoned for it.
As Caitlin Johnstone so perfectly says:
Now the same US officials who are responsible for overseeing the single most murderous power structure on the face of this planet are standing united in saying “There is no place for political violence in America!”
American government does nothing but violence; both at home and abroad. It operates by brutal suppression and global intimidation - i.e. violence. Its law enforcement acts with unlawful brutality against peaceful college protesters who dare point out its murderous ways - i.e. violence. It creates mass incarceration of entire ethnic groups that challenges its status quo - i.e. violence. It makes health care a privilege not a right, causing people to live in sickness, disease and poverty - i.e. violence. It shouts proudly that it allows everyone to have a gun, so that there are more guns than citizens in the US - i.e. violence!
Donald Trump is no more worthy of life than the Palestinian children that American tax dollars kill and Palestinian refugees that American soldiers murder. This man uses the word ‘Palestinian’ as a slur, because he’s a racist who is comfortable with their genocide; the mass slaughter and active murders of innocents, and he is happy perpetuate it.
Donald Trump is an assassin who has murdered so many people through his direct orders and actions.
I cry in despair every day that innocent Palestinians and Sudanese and Yemeni and Congolese and and and….are still being murdered by the likes of Donald Trump from the office he so desperately wants back. I care that innocent people are being tortured and harmed, that innocent children are having their lives taken by American Presidents like a boot on an anthill or a fist on a fly. I care about their lives, I care about their futures, I care about their fates.
But no, I do not and never will, care about the fate of their murderers.
Thank you I was wondering when someone would say this - literally who cares. The same talking heads and media going on never have anything to say about the violence against elected leaders like in Bolivia. Instead they manufacture charges from WMDs to justify being the assassin nation, Hamas this, Putin that, with the present target and brain dead opponent goading them on. Assassination does nothing with a military industrial duopoly, system change is needed, resurrect the 14th from its corporate necropolis.
It was a very convenient and advantageous event 🤔
Sadly the outcome will be more death and destruction, for the Palestinians if Trump gets back in. Thank you for your truth and courage.